Etiket arşivi: cloud of love

Farewell With Love

Is it still love
What a passion it is, my love
Eternal love beyond passion, it, my love

Do you think it can not affect yourself
I shake, I tremble,
I am struggling moment by moment
I enjoy being submissive
I wish I could get rid of it from time to time
Most want to live like this
A bondage maybe…
And I accept
a deep breathing, a hiding…

Infinity means touching the cloud of love
But with love,
our eyes shining, we exist.

I ask, do you love me
You say, you love me if you are
How far are you
You’re close so much to me, actually.

The world gets meaning by thinking about you
I want to reach at this moment
Put on your words,
to settled in your sentences that I always pass by…
Love means touch, both you and me.

We both grew with its touch
childish, mature
we have come to purpose, developed ourselves
That’s a plus
gift to us
from our wishes, desires, works.
Life-giving love,
one day it could end our life
Of course, God knows the end of our stories
But love too is from God, isn’t it,
what do you say…